My own understanding on the movie Bad Genius (2017)

My thoughts on the movie “Bad Genius” in terms of the following:

a. The School as a Learning Institution

    The school is portrayed in "Bad Genius" as a highly organized setting where pupils are under enormous pressure to perform well in class. Because of the tremendous emphasis placed on grades and performance, a high-stakes environment is created, making cheating an alluring choice for students who are eager to live up to the demands placed on them. The movie addresses concerns about the effect of such a system on students' mental health as well as about the possible drawbacks of an educational system that puts emphasis on test scores rather than real learning.

b. The Teachers as Leaders in Assessment

    In the system portrayed in the film, teachers are crucial to gauging students' academic progress and understanding. It also demonstrates how some teachers are either oblivious of or choose to ignore the cheating that takes place under their watch, which exposes a weakness in the system. This prompts questions regarding the efficacy of teacher-led evaluations and the necessity for educators to exercise caution and uphold the fairness of the evaluation procedure.

c. The Values of Students in School

    "Bad Genius" examines the ethical quandaries that college students deal with in a demanding academic setting. It dives into the reasons people cheat, illuminating how success and attention can motivate students to sacrifice their morals. The movie is a critique of a system that puts too much focus on grades and accomplishments, highlighting the value of encouraging kids to have a real love of learning, personal development, and moral integrity.

    It's worth noting that while "Bad Genius" provides a fictional portrayal of these aspects, it can stimulate discussions about the real-world challenges faced by students, the role of schools in shaping values, and the need for educational systems that prioritize holistic development over mere academic accomplishments. It is important to keep in mind that everyone's perception of a movie's effect on education will be different. Although "Bad Genius" sheds light on the educational system and sparks debates about moral and intellectual matters, its impact on educational practices and regulations may be modest. However, it can work as a starting point for important discussions and introspections on the bigger questions related to education and how it affects students' lives.
