
Showing posts from June, 2023

My own understanding on the movie Bad Genius (2017)

My thoughts on the movie “Bad Genius” in terms of the following: a. The School as a Learning Institution      The school is portrayed in "Bad Genius" as a highly organized setting where pupils are under enormous pressure to perform well in class. Because of the tremendous emphasis placed on grades and performance, a high-stakes environment is created, making cheating an alluring choice for students who are eager to live up to the demands placed on them. The movie addresses concerns about the effect of such a system on students' mental health as well as about the possible drawbacks of an educational system that puts emphasis on test scores rather than real learning. b.  The Teachers as Leaders in Assessment      In the system portrayed in the film, teachers are crucial to gauging students' academic progress and understanding. It also demonstrates how some teachers are either oblivious of or choose to ignore the cheating that takes place under their watch, which expose

Bad Genius (2017) : The Characters

    The 2017 Thai heist thriller film " Bad Genius " was directed by Nattawut Poonpiriya. Four central characters engage in a high-stakes cheating plot during their high school examinations in the story, which centers on them. How these characters vary is as follows: The main character and most brilliant and resourceful student in the movie is Lynn . She has amazing problem-solving abilities and a remarkable capacity for quick thinking. Although Lynn is first shown as a conscientious and diligent student, she eventually gets involved in a scheme to cheat in order to make money. She is motivated by ambition and a desire to get away from her underprivileged upbringing. Throughout the film, Lynn's personality changes as she struggles with moral quandaries and the repercussions of her choices. Grace is one of the main participants in the cheating operation and is Lynn's best friend. Grace is not as bright intellectually as Lynn, but she is talented in acting and mimickin

Bad Genius (2017)

  Bad Genius (2017)      Nattawut Poonpiriya's 2017 release of the Thai heist thriller "Bad Genius" was met with critical acclaim on a global scale. The movie follows Lynn, a high school student who utilizes her great intelligence to cheat on examinations in order to earn money. When I think back on "Bad Genius," a few things stand out.      The film's depiction of academic pressure and the lengths students would go to in order to excel is initially thought-provoking. It emphasizes the fierce competition and pressure to succeed academically, which is a topic that is pertinent and relatable to many students all around the world. The movie investigates the effects of this pressure and poses issues on the morality of cheating and the costs that students are prepared to pay to succeed.      The film's superb pacing and directing also add to the overall tension and suspense. It's exciting to see the robbery scenes as Lynn and her friends come up with comp

Reasons Why We Need To Study

  Education plays a crucial role in shaping a person's life and development in several ways: Knowledge and Skills : Education provides individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the world around them. It equips them with a broad range of subjects, including mathematics, science, literature, history, and more, enabling them to understand and make sense of various concepts and ideas. Personal Growth: Education fosters personal growth by promoting critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills. It encourages individuals to question, explore, and seek answers, enabling them to develop intellectually and broaden their perspectives. Empowerment: Education empowers individuals by giving them the tools they need to succeed in their personal and professional lives. It enhances their confidence, self-esteem, and decision-making capabilities, enabling them to actively participate in society and make informed choices. Career Opportunities: Education

National Independence Day

     Since Ferdinand Magellan's arrival in 1521, the Philippines had been governed by Spain. But when Filipino nationalist movements grew in power in the late 19th century, the fight for independence gathered steam. General Emilio Aguinaldo, the first President of the Philippines, was a major player in the struggle for independence.   Every year on June 12th, the Philippines celebrates its National Independence Day. On this day in 1898, the nation formally declared its independence from Spanish colonial domination. After more than three centuries of Spanish colonization, it symbolizes the liberty of the Philippines.      On June 12, 1898, Aguinaldo proclaimed the independence of the Philippines in Kawit, Cavite, raising the Philippine flag and playing the national Anthem. This event, known as the Proclamation of the Philippine Independence, marked the beginning of a new era for the Filipino people.        However, the spirit of independence remained strong, and the Philippines fina

Student Portfolio Assessment

Student portfolio assessment is of great importance in education for several reasons: Holistic Assessment: Portfolio assessment allows educators to evaluate students' learning progress and achievements in a holistic manner. It goes beyond traditional tests and exams by providing a comprehensive view of students' abilities, skills, and knowledge across various areas. Authentic Assessment: Portfolios consist of real-life examples of students' work, such as projects, essays, artwork, presentations, and reflections. This authentic assessment approach enables students to demonstrate their understanding and application of concepts in a meaningful context, mirroring real-world situations. Individualized Learning: Portfolio assessment encourages personalized and self-directed learning. Students have the freedom to showcase their strengths, interests, and unique talents, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation in their education journey. It allows them to set goals, reflect

Embracing Unconventional Education: A Reflection on "Accepted" (2006)

                    Education is a fundamental aspect of our lives, shaping our knowledge, skills, and future prospects. However, the traditional education system has often been criticized for its limitations and lack of adaptability. The movie "Accepted" provides a refreshing and thought-provoking perspective on education, challenging the status quo and promoting the importance of individuality and self-discovery. This essay will delve deeper into the movie's impact by exploring the thoughts it evokes, the emotional responses it elicits, the resonating moments, characters, and ideas, as well as the underlying themes related to education and technology. The film prompts us to question the purpose of education and the value we place on societal expectations. It forces us to reflect on the traditional system's emphasis on conformity, grades, and standardized tests, and encourages us to envision a more inclusive and dynamic approach to learning. The movie challenges us t


  The Importance of Visiting Museum  Visiting museums, especially those dedicated to national history and anthropology, holds great importance for college students. Here are some key reasons why college students should consider exploring these museums: Enhancing Learning Experience: Museums provide a hands-on and immersive learning experience that complements and enriches classroom education. They offer a tangible connection to historical events, cultural artifacts, and human experiences, making abstract concepts more concrete and relatable. Students can engage with exhibits, artifacts, and interactive displays, fostering a deeper understanding of the subjects they study. Cultural Enrichment: National history and anthropology museums showcase the rich and diverse cultural heritage of a country or region. By visiting these museums, college students gain exposure to different cultures, traditions, and worldviews. This exposure fosters cultural sensitivity, appreciation for diversity,