"Field trips: building stronger connections through education"


                                              LAKBAY ARAL 2023

I still remember when I was in my grade school year how does it feel to be so excited for the fieldtrip. It never fails me to give that nostalgic feeling how was the night before the day of the trip. When I was in my pre-school days, parents are required to come with the students knowing that the teacher will not going to handle every pupil especially when it comes to entertaining their curiosity. A kid has so much questions that an elderly should answer, and that was the role of the parent and teachers during their fieldtrip. For an instance showing how a certain objects work, it’s function and how beneficial it is. Introducing an animal that they saw for the first time that they once encounter on their educational posters or materials on every wall in their house. However, fieldtrips should be appropriate on the student’s year level and clear why it is the field that the school has chosen to go with. From going to Manila Zoo, bread and noodle factories, it should be more specific and inclined to the student’s interest. Those statements above are just part of my past experiences in my previous schools that I can say I really enjoyed specially my inner child.


Talking about the past Lakbay-Aral that the Institution had conducted for the students, the itinerary was indeed places where everyone can enjoy and learn at the same time. Let us go back again with the first destination Airforce City Park. As an individual who don’t usually saw aircrafts and other things related with that place, it mesmerized me and appreciate how interesting it was and how does it feel to be the captain of one those flying thing. Next one is the Dino Island, it just like a time machine brought us back to the pre-historic age and let us experience to live with the extinct animals. It made me think of the theories claiming what and how these creatures ended their era. How life would it be if these things are still living with us in the present time? The third one, is the historical San Guillermo Church or the so called Half-Buried Church. First thing that enters the mind is the Pinatubo Eruption that made the church buried. After a long tiring day, we are able to enjoy rides and other amusing stuffs at Sky Ranch Pampanga that shows that even we are studying and learning, we should still have the time for enjoyment and relaxation.


It was a great experience for every future educator like me. It gives me the realization how learning works to every individual as well as how diverse every student was. Some might not appreciate the experience because they are not interested, some are trying their best to cope up with things that they can relate to every places they go with, but most should put themselves to those places and relate it with their existing and past experiences. Fieldtrips like this depicts the true essence of how really education works. It should be entertaining, informative and beneficial to every mind simultaneously. We are still that child full of curiosity, the difference is just that we are now able to discover things with ourselves.

